Friday, November 12, 2004

EQ the new corporate mantra

It was a lovely relaxed morning.While sipping a cup of my favorite "caramel" complan, I picked up this book by Daniel Goleman, "Working with Emotional Intelligence" which was lying on the coffee table from last couple of days.

I wondered, reading the title "EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE" whatzzzz this now? But as i flipped through the pages , what came across was a fact, if we all in the corporate world want to be or remain successful,we need to understand EQ.Increase our EQ. Its EQ and not just IQ any more.Most Fortune 500 & 1000 companies have already realized that IQ gets a second position to Emotional Intelligenc(EQ is the quotient to measure Emotional Intelligence)in determining the outstanding performance.

EI is all about people and the relationships with them.Emotional Intelligence is not about merely "being nice",at strategic moments it may mean not "being nice". It means managing feelings so that they are expressed appropriately and effectively, enabling people to work together smoothly toward their common goals.

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