What's needed to survive and prosper in a chaos world in which reason no longer applies, in which you must focus on outcome, not process.
However, taxing it becomes, we cannot run away from the infinite choices thrown at us in this information age. Neither can we overlook it. Then how can we deal with this chaos around us with insufficient time at hand. There is never enough TIME to do everything. However fast you run, you still will be far behind the finish line; you will always end up having too much to cope with, too much to cover.
In our company, our worst competitor is the day-to-day confusion. Every individual takes so much time to figure out what to do and what not to do. Whose orders to follow and whose not. However, detailed we become, it only adds up to the chaos and at the end of the day we are confused about why things are not done as scheduled or as expected.Nothing works like it is supposed to, and at the end of the day makes all of us hunger for simplicity to some degree.
Its the time for all of us belonging to the age of information overload, to stop and think about our APPROACH.
Focusing on what matters most and not waste time on the rest. Simplifying Everything around us.
SIMPLICITY is a complex topic that has no single, simple answer.
In wikipedia, Simplicity is defined as the property, condition, or quality of being simple or un-combined. It often denotes beauty, purity or clarity. Simple things are usually easier to explain and understand than complicated ones. Simplicity can mean freedom from hardship, effort or confusion.
By being not clear enough, we are actually abusing others as well as our own time. We need to kill the demon of "CONFUSION" to bring "SIMPLICITY" in our lives.
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
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