Till yesterday, if you would have ever asked me, I would have emphasized the word “we” while discussing group or team performance. I used to so strongly say,"There is no 'I' in the word "Team”. I had a great contempt for the “I did this” and “I did that" statements and the ones who referred others as "my people".
Because such egotistical statements till now, always conflicted directly with my belief -- that it is the teamwork, that helps organizations realize their goals.
It’s true that the amount of useful change organizations can bring about depends upon the contributions of two or groups of hundreds and thousands. But a meaningful change can be accomplished only by individuals taking responsibility for their own competency and own character. That’s why it proves that I was wrong till date, and that there is an "I" in the word “Team".
In fact, the "I" in the team, the individual and the amount of responsibility he takes for personal & organizational progress is the single most important factor.
I strongly feel, that more important for a company, is to maximize its "I"s, establish a foundation on which the ”I"s can work together, promote synergy & built a practical & useful process for managing change.
Integrating the individuals’ needs with organizations needs is the key. It will encourage each of us to focus on ourselves objectively. When we trust & respect each other we promote empowerment & leadership that in turn helps us fulfill our individual vision, thus creating a successful future for the organization too.
Its the special breed of “I”s who never settle for anything less than the best will make the whole difference.
Photo courtesy zebrastripes
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