Saturday, November 17, 2007

Do we really need a Goal ??????

What is your goal in life?... You need a goal in life!....You don't have a goal in life?....these and many other similar questions are thrown by goalcholics at me every now and then.

Goalcholics according to me are people who constantly just worry about the fact that they do not have a goal in life. Do not enjoy the present as they are too busy in search of a goal.

But my question is whats wrong in not having one. Is it the end of the world?Does it mean that one without a goal cannot be happy. Look at me... I am so happy! I love life. I enjoy everyday. I feel thankful everyday that so far I have so many wonderful memories from my past. And each passing day adds more.

I feel I am blessed. Isn't it a wonderful feeling? Whatever, the world may say I am happy and would like to believe that this is the best way to lead life.

I do believe in planning, but I do not believe in living with the constant pressure of having a goal.
Not enjoying the present because you haven't set a goal or you have not yet figured out the goal in life. I am sorry but I am happy without THE GOAL in life.

Now, this again does not mean, I do not have any goals..i do have small I want to lose weight, I want to have a baby soon, I want to see my company grown from 25 to 200.

But I want to remember the process too of reaching there. And i don't want to over analyze whether these are goals or just wishes...

All I want to say is, I do not want to get bogged down by the argument of goal setting.

I would rather get out of the way then get walked on.

Photo courtsey Incase Designs

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Lack of Motivation to Learn and Improve

Every IT related business has to deal with Change daily. "Keep up with the Change or get replaced" - has become the nature's law in today's corporate world.

Continuous learning and improving ones skills, has never been such a necessity. One cannot think of surviving at all in the current workplace without continuously learning. Since the advent of Internet, the Generation X , has been left with little choice. Even the baby boomer's are served with the same fate.

Everyone who wants to survive has to accept it and embrace it. We never get to decide when change happens, and hence we can only learn to manage it. Self motivation is the only tool which will help employees cope with Change and make progress in today's workplace.

However, its easier said then done. Lack of Motivation to learn and improve among employees is a common problem in workplaces today. Its not only eating up the profit margins of the companies but also damaging their competitive advantage. HR managers all over the world are working out solutions to increase the motivation in employees to embrace change, with little success.

Photo courtesy leighblackall